The term ghost producer has been around for a while and it has been a perfect replacement of the ghostwriter that was famous in the 90s. A ghost producer is a person who produces music in the dark (anonymously) for another artist or DJ. The music will be released by the artist or DJ and all credit goes to the artist or DJ while the ghost producer takes a cut of the profit from the music or a fixed amount without any receiving any credit for his work.
There has been a series of arguments on if hiring the service of ghost producers can make a DJ famous or not and a lot has been said about this argument. Many believe it is unethical to hire the service of a ghost producer and taking credibility for another person jobs. However, some still believe what matters is offering good music to your fans consistently regardless of the source. They believe it is an act for an artist of DJ to satisfy his fans and consider it great since the producer also makes profits in the form of cash.
Hiring ghost producer doesn’t mean you are not talented or lack the skills to produce good music, but while you are busy on other things, you still got the chance to satisfy your customers.
To be a famous DJ, you have to be consistent, which implies that you have to be able to provide your fans with good music every time and this can be achieved with the help of good ghost producers. However, the road to becoming famous as DJ is beyond releasing songs and getting on stage a few times, there are more to becoming famous. Below are a few things that you should consider important apart from good songs:
Personal Branding
Good personal branding is a key factor if you want to get the momentum going. It is important that you create a series of outlets for your audience to find you, and a means to be recognized among the crowd of other people who are in the same field.
How you present yourself to the world has a strong influence on how famous you can be, your branding can make you famous so it is important that you create a unique identity for yourself, choose a name that sounds amazing, totally different from any existing DJ and be sure that it’s a name that you don’t plan to change in no distant time. Consistency is a strong weapon in building a brand and changing your name may make you lose your identity.
Also, you can create a logo that will speak about you even without the mentioning of your name. For instance, when you see LG, you know what that means without any introduction and hardly will you hear people saying Life is Good electronics. Once you have the logo, you can proceed to set up pages on different social media which will be a place to post your song for your audience to see.
Biography Photo
Upload an attractive picture of yourself on all your pages, as much as possible ensure that you add few details about yourself on every page. The type of music you do should not be excluded in your biography information.
Self Promotion
This is not an easy task, reaching a reasonable amount of people by utilizing every available tool is very vital. Make use of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube channels, Spotify playlists and other available networks that you can use to reach thousands of people without stress.
Connection And Networking
This has to do with who you know. Connect yourself with people that can help you to be famous. Feature famous artists, participate in world entertainment events, and partner with famous record labels. Welcome and also source for endorsement.
This article is not to dispute the fact that using the service of ghost producer can make you famous as DJ but to let you know that you have to add additional efforts to breakthrough. Good luck.
Also we suggest reading our previous blog posts – Famous Artists And DJ’s Who Use Ghost Producers